Licoricelicorice benefitslicorice in traditional medicine

Licorice in India

Cold, Cough and Sore Throat


Licorice root in Hindi is known as “Mulethi” or “Jethimadhu”. Licorice has been used in Indian Ayurveda as an herbal remedy for cough and sore throat. It has been also popular for treatment of some diseases in skin, respiratory system, liver, stomach and digestive system, joints, oral and dental organs, and many more.

Sepidan Osareh Jonoob Co. discusses licorice in India in this article.

Licorice in India

Licorice is a common herb which is almost found in every house in India. They usually chew licorice root to remove congestion in chest or nasal passages, and to soothe sore throat. Licorice is about 50 times sweeter than sugar; but in India they believe that licorice regulates blood sugar. The sweetness in licorice is due to a compound called glycyrrhizin. In folk culture people assume that licorice boosts sexual vigor. Licorice powder was given to soldiers to increase their strength and endurance.

Cold, Cough and Sore Throat

In India, to cure cold and cough, they put licorice sticks in hot water and drink it. They also mix licorice powder with honey and warm water. In case of sore throat, they chew licorice root. They use licorice decoction for chest and nasal congestion.

Licorice in India
Licorice in India


Indians believe that drinking licorice tea fortifies liver function and heals fatty liver, Hepatitis and other liver disorders; because licorice is anti-inflammatory.

Dental Health

Because licorice has got anti-bacterial and anti-viral features, it prevents oral and dental infections, tooth cavity, and gum diseases. In India, people brush their teeth using licorice powder, or gargle licorice extract.

Other Benefits

Licorice is an ayurvedic herb that regulates hormones in our body through affecting adrenal glands.

Indian traditional medicine suggests that licorice can boost our immune system, because of the enzymes in the root. It protects our body against microbes and viruses.

It stimulates bowel movements and helps in digestion.

Licorice or Mulethi is among the spices which Indians use in their cuisines. It creates a distinctive taste and aroma.

Licorice is recommended in Indian Ayurveda for imbalances in hormones, insomnia, depression, sweating and hot flushes for menopausal women.

In Indian Ayurveda, licorice is cold in nature. As a result, it pacifies Pitta (the nature of fire in body). It affects our brain positively; it improves memory and brain activities.

Licorice in India
Licorice in India

Written and Edited by: Meysam Shokripour (Sepidan Osareh Jonoob Company)

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